Right on the heels of Morning Musume's single delay comes the unexpected announcement that Viyuuden will be disbanded.

Yeah I know...say WHAT!? O_O As if we hadn't enough bad news already.

I haven't really been keeping up with them other than a few songs now and then, but I'm sure gonna miss them.;_; I still remember my first time seeing them in action, when Rift got hold of the Hello! Project concert with Goto Maki as the captain kouen. Issai Gassai Anata ni Ageru ~<3

It's official. Tsunku's gone nuts.

Rika will still be in Ongaku Gataas, but as for Erika and Yui...who knows?

They'll have their last concert tour then disband in June.

I wonder if they'll release one last Best Hits album or something...

Source: Hello! Project Official Site