[Single] So Hot
Artist: Wonder Girls
Release: 03/06/2008
1. So Hot
2. This Time
3. You're Out
4. Tell Me (Rap Version)
Preorder: YesAsia
As I always say, spice is the variety of life. If it doesn't make your eyes water and smoke come out of your ears, it ain't worth it. Yes, I'm addicted to anything hot and spicy.
Likewise, it's hard not to get addicted to the Wonder Girl's upcoming single even if you don't buy the whole seemingly superficial theme and lyrics. I say superficial because well...just watch the video below.
At first glance, it looks and feels like what you see on MTV these days. But reading the subs and noticing the humorous spin they're putting on it, it's more like they're poking fun at the theme. A parody, kinda like Ayumi's Startin' PV (now THAT was overkill though).
And it's really been the style I've come to associate with the Wonder Girls ever since I got hooked on their songs Tell Me and Irony. Catchy tunes, stylish dance routines, a dose of attitude and a good dollop of humour.
I'm also looking forward to the Tell Me (Rap Version) included in this single, which was technically the original song, since it was the one shown in their PV. Curse them for editing it out later. The song just isn't the same without that rap bit. And coming from a person who doesn't even like rap, I think that's saying something.
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